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WEINGARPN Paul and CHA Gerhard a:on paul|k:is (paul) (1)



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    Author: WEINGARPN (Paul) and CHA (Gerhard)


    DEPOSITORY WEINGARPN (Paul) And Cha (Gerhard). Thduction, thysics And ethics. Proceedin And discussIons of the a8 Salzburg Coflcquium in the fifliosophy of Science [held under the joint auspices of the Inatitut fur Wissens Chaftstheorie of the Internatlonales Fors chungs zentrurn fur Grund.fragen der Wissens Chaften, Salzburg And the Division of Logic, 3thodo1ogy And Philosophy of Science of the International Union of History And PhIlosophy of Science.] Blited by Paul Weingartner And. Gerhard ZeCha. Dord,recht, 1970. See SALZEUN3 • Internat ions les Fox’s chuns zentruin f{u, Grundfragen der WissenaChaften. Thstitutfur Wiss ens Chaftatheorie. [1968.]

    Card ID: 273