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WEINER Joseph Sidney a:in joseph|k:in (joseph) (5)



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    Author: WEINER (Joseph Sidney)


    WEINER (Joseph Sidney). ENGLAND. lMiscellarieous Subheadings.] Society for the Study of Human Biojogy. The Scope of physical anthropology arid its place in academic studies: a symposium held at the Ciba Foundation, 6th November 1957. Edited by D.P. Roberts and J.S. Weiner. Oxford printed, 1958).

    Card ID: 246

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    Author: WEINER (Joseph Sidney)


    HEM Wei WEINER (Joseph Sidney). A Guide to the human adaptability proposals... With a contribution by P.T.Eaker. Second edition. [Published for the International Biological Programme .)(IBP Eancmook, i) pp. 69. London end Oxford, 1969.

    Card ID: 244

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    Author: ERTS (Derek Frank Bruce) and WEINER (Joseph Sidney)


    H ii32 Scc ROI3ERTS (Derek Frank Bruce) and WEINER (Joseph Sidney) The Scope of physical anthropology and its place in academic studies: a symposium held at the Ciba Foundation, 6th November1 1957. Edited by D.F. Roberts and J.S. Weiner. LOxford printed, 1958]. ENGLAND. [Miscellaneous Subheadings.) Socjety for the Study of Human Biology.

    Card ID: 101

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    Author: CEF (Paul Tbornell)


    We I BA1CEF (Paul Tbornell). See WEINER (Joseph Sidney). A Guide to the human adaptability proposals... With a contribution by P.T.Baker. Second edition. [Published for the International Biologica]. Prograniine .3 London and Oxford, 1969.

    Card ID: 232

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    Author: No Author available


    UNIT1) STAThS OF AMERICA. [Miscellaneous Subheadings.] Social Science Research Council. Comrnitee on Comparative Politics. Studies in political development. [Continued,)3,j, 3 S Ci54 ‘— 4. COLEKAN (James S.) Education and political development. 1905. 3R73 5. PYE (Lzciazi Wilmot) and VERBA (Sidney). Political culture.and political development. 1965. 6. te.PALOMBARA. (Joseph) and WEINER (‘ron). Political parties and political development. 1966 ‘3 fii ‘7. BXN.)JR (Leonard). Crises and sequences in political &-v development. Contribtators: Leonard Binder, JamesS.Colemn, Joseph LaPalombara, Lucian W.Pye, Sidney Verba, Myron Weiner. 1971.

    Card ID: 170