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WEIGALL Arthur Edward Pearse Brome a:on arthur|k:0672 (4)
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WEIGALL, Arthur Edward Pearse Brome
Author: WEIGALL (Arthur Edward Pearse Brome)
DEPOSITORy WEIGALL (Arthur Edward Pearse Brome). The Life & times of Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt: a study in the Grigin of the Roman Empire...New and revised edition. pp. 317. Plates. maps and tables. [R.M.L.] (O - 0 . ndon, 192.
Card ID: 429
WEIGALL (Arthur Edward Pearse Brome). The Treasury of ancient Egrpt: miscellaneous chapters on ancient, Egjtianhist.ory and arcbo1ogy. pp. xiii. + 308. 1a.tes. [R.M.L.) 8 • Edinburgh and London, 191 1.
Card ID: 434
WEIGALL (Arthur Edward Pearse Brome). Wanderings in Anglo—Saxon Britain. pp. 286. P1tes_.nd illustrations. 8°. London, 1926.
Card ID: 436
4( WEIGALL (Arthur Edward Pearse Brome). See GARDUTER (J.) and WEIGALI, (A.E.P.B.) A Topographical osta1oue of the private toxnb8 of Thebes. London, 1913. A supp1ement..By R.Engelbach. Qaixo, 1924,
Card ID: 440