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WEBSTER John a:an sir john|k:are (john) (6)
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Author: WEBSTER (John)
WEBSTER (John), Dramatist. DEKER(Thoms).[Works written in-Collaborati Queen DIary: two old plars [The famous history of Sir T.Wyatj by Decker and Webster and [If you know not me, you know nobody] by T.Heywood. Newly edited by W.J.Blew, London, i876.
Card ID: 524
Author: No Author available
UPNL. AlE Lam TIDI44S (Sir William Miles Webster). See LAMPERT (zeta Elaine) and WYATI’ (Robert John). Lord Austin: the man...With a foreword by Sir Miles Thomas. 8°. London, 1968.
Card ID: 321
6. 5C WEBSTER (John), ranatjj [The Duchess.of Malfi.] The Tragedy of the Duchess of Ea1fi. See KELTIE (Sir John S.) The Vorks of the Br1tih dramatists, pp. 317—345. 0 8 . London and Edinburgn,1875. —LA reprint.] 8°. Edinburgh, 1894.
Card ID: 509
[bL.L]I0c [T R1. 133 TUDOR FACSIMILE TEXTS. DEKKER (Thomas) and WEBSTER (John), Dramatist, The Famous history of Sir Thomas Wyat. By Thomas Dekker and John Webster. 1607. [A photogr.aphic facsimile of the 1607 edition, made from the British Museum copy. Edited by J.S.Farmer.) pp. (60). [D.-L.L.1 - 4°. tLondonj, 1914. interleav4. Cr ç.T, 100) Students’ facsimile edition. pp. (54). 4°. [LoqcIonl, 1914.
Card ID: 205
Lb. L. LE cl-F i is] DEKER (Thomas). (Works written in Col1aboration. The Famous history of Sir Thomas Wyat. B Thoraas Dekker and John Webster. 16o7. (A photographic facsimile of’ the 1607 edition, made from the British Museum copy.- Edited by J. S . Farmer. I (rondJ, 1914. — Studentst facsimile edition. [tondgnl, 1914. See TUDOR FACSUIILE TEX1S. DEKKER (Thomas) and WEBSTER (J ) urainatisf.
Card ID: 222
Cb.L.L SOc. [-1- F1 iJ vEBSTE (John), Dramatist. TUDOB FACSIMILE TcTS. DEKKER (Thomas) and WEBSTER (j.), Dramatist. The Famo4s history of Sir Thomas Wyat ..i6o7. [A photographic facsimile of the 16o7 edition, made from the British Museum copy. Edited by J. S.Farzner.] [London), 1914. iCTJ lQ) Students’ facsimile edition. [Lndgzj], 1914.
Card ID: 534