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WEBSTER, Charles
BESANT, Annie and LEADBEATER, Charles webster
Author: WEBSTER (Charles)
[f WEBSTER (Charles)., M.D. An account of the life and writings of. . .Dr Archibald Pitcairne, delivered as the Harveian oration at Edinburgh...1781. pp. 42. [L. I.) 80. Edinburgh, 1781,
Card ID: 447
WI” LIN Mad WEBSTER (Charles), MSc. See MADDISOT (Francis Rcxneril). Essays on tlie life and work of Thoas Linacre, c. lLi.6O_l52i.. Edited by Francis j4adjjievn, Mar.ret Pelling and charles Webster. [With a bibliographical survey of his works, and an iconograph.y.] Oxford, 1977.
Card ID: 450
Author: BESANT (Annie) and LEADBEATER (Charles webster)
-LRL £:1J BESANT (Annie) and LEADBEATER (Charles webster). Man: Whence, how and whither. A record of clairvoyant investigation. pp. 524. 8. Adyar, Madras, 1913.
Card ID: 47