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WEBB, Maria
Author: WEBB (Maria)
o51(*’r1 WEBB (Maria). The Fells of Swarthmoor Hall and their friends, account of...Anne Askew, the martyr. A portraiture of religicus and fa’nily life in the seventeenth century, àompiled chiefly from original letters and other doouments...Seoond edition. pp.x.4. 488 +10 ront1ispiecç. 8°. Ehiic4elphia, 1896.
Card ID: 114
WEBB (Maria). The Penns & Peningtons of the seventeenth century, in their domestic and relIgious life, illustrated by original family letters. Also incidental notices of their friend Thomas Ellwood, with some of his unpublished verses. pp. xiv. + 450. Portrait plates and facsimiles. 8°. London, i867.
Card ID: 115