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WEAVER John a:on john|k:0959 (6)



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    Author: WEAVER (John)


    C t I\1 WEAVER (John), ancing-Mastr. The Fable of Orpheus and Eurydice, with a dramatick entertainment in dancing thereupon, attempted in imitation of the ancient Greeks and Romans. As perform’d at the Theatre Royal in Drury—Lane. Written, collected and composed, by J.Weaver. pp. (2) + 44. Frontispiece. 8°. Londozi, 1718.

    Card ID: 479

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    Author: WEAVER (John Ernest)


    DEPOSITORY WEAVER (John Ernest). Development and. activities of roots of crop plants: a etucy in crop ecology. By J. E. Weaver, P. C. Jean and J. W. Grist. Iwith a bibliography.) (Carnegi Jnstttution of Washington. Publication No. 316.) pp. vi. +TIV. Plates ad drams. 0 8 Washington, 1922.

    Card ID: 480

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    Author: WEAVER (John Ernest)


    D EPOS Tur WEAVER (John Ernest). Root dovelopment in the graculand formtion: a correlation of the rpot systenof native vegetation and orop 1ant s. [With a bibliography.] (Carnegie Institution of Washington. Publication No. 292.1 pp. 151. P].atesarnt folded. maps. 0 8 . Washington, 1920.

    Card ID: 482

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    Author: WEAVER (John Ernest)


    DE?OSITOR WEAVER (John Ernest). See crrs (F • E.) and WEAVER (J. E,) &‘cperimental vegetation: the relation of olirnaxes to o1inmf,e, etc. Washington, 1924.

    Card ID: 484

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    Author: WEAVER (John Ernest)


    OPOSITORY WEAVER (John Ernest). Sec JEAN(F.a.)andWEAVn(J.E.) Root behav1our arid crop yield under irriaiorA, etc. Wah1.ngton, 1924.

    Card ID: 485

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    Author: WEAVER (John Reginald Homer)


    WEAVER (John Reginald Homer). Henry William Carless Davis, 1874—1928: a memoir by J.R.H.Weaver and a selection of his-historical papers -edited by J.R.TT. Weaver aM A.L.Poole. twith biblio— graphies.] pp. vii. + 217. Portrait and tables. 8°. London, 1933.

    Card ID: 486