
Search Term (count):

WE Martin a:de john|k:to (john) (2)



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    Author: WE (Martin)


    B0WE (Martin). Papyrus Bothner. [Continuea.J Mi,7G XIII. MELITO, Saint, Bishop of Sards. Homdlie sur la Pâque. f1anuscrit du III siècle. Pub1i par M.Testuz. [The Greek text with French translation.] 1960. XIV. BIBLE. Luke. tGreek.) vangile de Lila, chap. 3—21i. Publi4 par V.Martin et R,Kasser. 1961. XV. BIBLE. John, Gospel of. [Greek.) Evangile de Jean, chap. 1—1. Public par ‘I.Martini et R.Kasser. 1961. [SEE NEXT CARD)

    Card ID: 458

  • card

    Author: WE (Herbert Martin James)


    LOE WE (Herbert Martin James). DAICHES -(S.) Address delivered at the seivice held in memory of...H.Loewe, j. OXfod printed, 1941.

    Card ID: 511