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WATTS Isaac a:it john|k:are (john) (4)
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WATTS, Isaac
AMES, John
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Author: WATTS (Isaac)
‘1 1• / WATTS (Isaac), p. See BO8 (John K. H.) Dr. Isaac Watts — his pedagogic writings and their place in 18th century education, together with introductory biographical material. 1965.
Card ID: 165
Author: AMES (John)
Mn Cti AMES (John), F.R.S. See WATTS (Isaac), .D. The Knowledge oT the heavens and the Earth made easy...The eighth edition, corrected. [Edited by J. Eames.] London, 1772.
Card ID: 131
Author: No Author available
Tkc. 1O8E (John Kenneth Harold), Dx’, Isaac Watts — his pedagogic writings and their place in 18th. century education, together with introductory biographical material. Tpewritten thesis subiitted for the degree of Ph.D. of the University of London in 1965.3 143+ (6) leaves. Bibliography. 4°, 1965.
Card ID: 226
ARCiIV INTNATI0NALES D’HISTOIRE DES IDEES. [Continued.] %. BRFEHKA (Frank T.). Gerard van wieten and his world,.’ 1700—1772. 1970. IS4c. 37. WADDICOR (Nark t.) 1•lontesquieu and the philosophy natural law. 1970. a.. 38. BLOCH (0].ivier Rena). La Philosophie de Gassendi: (jjJL nominalisme, matrialisme et mtaphysique. 1971.J / 39. HOYLES (John). The Waning o the Renaissance, 1640- 171,0: studies in the thought and poetry oL’ Henry More, John Norris and Isaac Watts. 1971. 40. DtJPUY (Jacques). [Letters.) Correspondance de Jacques Dupuy et de Nicolas lleinsius, 16L,6_16%.(LEdited by] 1ans Bots. 1971. [SEE NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 297