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WATSON William Henry a:watson william henry|k:it (william) (2)
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WATSON, William Henry
WATSON, Henry William and UUY, Smue Hawksley
Author: WATSON (William Henry)
WATSON (William Henry), ecrebary to the Sunda School Union. The First fifty years of the Sunday School. pp. vU. + 108, - 8°. London, [1875L.
Card ID: 369
Author: WATSON (Henry William) and UUY (Smue1 Hawksley)
): t)3tTO WATSON (Henry William) and UUY (Smue1 Hawksley). The Mathematical theory of electricity and magnetism. (Clarendon Pres Series.1 2 vole. Diaams. 8. Oxford, t88.5—89
Card ID: 182