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WATSON, Thomas
WATSON, Francis John Bagot-t
Author: WATSON (Thomas)
XtT W33G WATSON (Thomas), Bishop of LincoJii. [Absalom. - Latin and English.J A Humanist’s trew imitation’: Thomas Watson’s “Absalom”. [A play in five acts and in verse.] A critical edition and translation [by] J.H. Smith. (Illinois Studies in nguige end Literature. 52.) pp. (10) + 293. Bibliography and facsimiles. 8°. urbane. 196k. Formerly attrIbuted to John Biho of Ossory.
Card ID: 323
Author: WATSON (Francis John Bagot-t)
WATSON (Francis John Bagot-t). Thomas Patch (l725—1782: notes on his life, together with a catalogueofhis known works. See LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, Walpole Sociy. The First [and. subsequent]. annual volume[sj 6f the Walpole Society, etc. Vol.28. pp. 15—50. Oxford, 19.40.
Card ID: 150