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WASHINGTON coLmBIA a:i john|k:are (john) (1)



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    Author: WASHINGTON (coLmBIA)


    WASHINGTON (coLmBIA). Catholic_Uversity of America. Patristjc studies. EContinued.] 42. bOGAN (Mary I.) The Vocabulary and style of the soliloquies and dialogues of St.Augustine, 1935. R — 1’kCI( 43. McCOR\!ICK (John P.) A Study of the nominal syntax and of indirect discourse in Hegesippus, etc. 1935. — q i App 44. MAHONEY (Catherine of Siena), Sister. The pare and late Latin nouns, adjectives and adverbs in St. Augustine’s De civitate Dei, . 1935. [SEE NJiCT CARD.]

    Card ID: 354