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WASHINGTON OOLUMBIA a:e washington|k:on (e) (5)
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WASHINGTON (OOLUMBIA). Qge Endowment for Intematiia1 Peace. Div1sxo6conoics aid Economic and Social History of the World War. French Series. J. T. Shotweil, general editor. Les Finances do uerre de la France. Par H. Truohy. (La Guerre et les Finances Pra.) pp. ff + in. 8°. ris and NwHa’ven,jS.A., t1926..
Card ID: 364
POS!TOR WASHINGTON (OOLUMBIA). Oarne’io Endovrnent for— nat!i’e aoe. ion EoononCiTstory. - Eoonomic and soolal history of the World War. German Series. J. T. Shotwsll, general editor. Der Krie imd die Arbeitsverhltnisse. Die Dutsohen Gewerkscha.ften im Kriege,von P. tlmbreit. Die ewerbliche Prauenarbeit. wa1rend des Kriees, von 0, Lorenz. pp. xviii. + 419. 80 St,utt 1929.
Card ID: 399
I w — WASHINGTON (OOLUMBIA). Oarnege Endowment or International. Peaoe. Division of oonon2ios and History. Preliwinary Eoonomio Studies of the War. Edited by D, Kinley. 8. British War administration. By.J A. Fairlie. pp.x.+ 302. 8. New York, 1919.
Card ID: 453
WASHINGTON (OOLUMBIA) Ntiona1 Resrirch Council. See supra: National AoQdemy of Sciences.
Card ID: 179
DEPOSITORY WASHINGTON (OOLUMBIA). Smithsoniaa Institution. Harriman Alaska Series. 5. Cryptogamie botany. By J, Card,ot, 0. E. Cu1Timins, A. W. Evans, 0. H.Peo, P. A. Saooardo, De Alton Saunders, J. Theriot, and W. Trelease. pp. ix•+ 424. P1ats. 4°. Yashirigton, 1910. [1904.]
Card ID: 206