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WASHINGTON COLUiABIA washington (coluiabia) (9)
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HENRY, Joseph
ORE, Alexander
SEPII, Arrigo
DEPOc’tnRy WASHINGTON (COLUiABIA). Cpngr.. The Business situation, 1929—1931, and its recovery: a select list of references. pp. 31. 8°. Washi.ngtoJ, 1931. zescript fac&i1ie. Cataloi!uçd from the caption.
Card ID: 38
RIM 1 WASHINGTON (Coluiabia). negie_Endowment for Qz.f International Peace. United Nations studies. No. 1, Diagrams anci table. 8°. New York, 1947, In progress. 1. The budget of the United Isations. 1947. 2. Coordination of economic and social activities. (1948.] 3. Consultation between the United Nations and non—governmental organizations. [1949.) 4. The United Nations secretariat. .1950. tSE NEXT CAIW.j]
Card ID: 306
WASHINGTON (Coluiabia). Carnegie d.owaent for national Peace. Dlvi on of Internatiorial Law. The Classics of International Law. Edited by J. B. eott. 21. De foro legatorum tam in causa clviii, quam criminali) liber singularis: a monograph on the jurisdiction over ambassadors in both civil and criminal cases. By Cornelius van Bynkershoek. A photographic reproduction of thc text of 1744, with an English translation by G.J.Laing, and an introduction by the late J. de Louter. pp. xxx. ÷ 135 - (148) + 24. 4°. Qcfp.rc1 and J.1cndon, 1946.
Card ID: 43
Author: No Author available
DEPOSITOR.Y BENT (Arthur Cie-velanci). Life histories of North American woodpeckers. Order picifornies. - Washington, 1939. WASHINGTON (Coluiabia). United States National Museum. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. No. 174.
Card ID: 578
Author: HENRY (Joseph)
HENRY (Joseph). Circular relative to collections of birds from Middle and South America. [Washington, 1863.J See WASHINGTON (COLuIABIA). Smithsonian InstitutIon. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections. Vol.8. [Article IX.] No.168.
Card ID: 304
Author: ORE (Alexander)
WETf ORE (Alexander), Five new races of birds from Venezuela. washington, 1939. See WASHINGTON (COLUiABIA). Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian miscellaneous coliectins. Vol. 98. No. 4.
Card ID: 464
4. GOLDMAN (EVA). Descriptions of five new mammals from Paaima. Washington, 1914, See WASHWGTQN (Coluiabia). smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian Miscellaneous C olleotions. Vol. 63. No. 2266.
Card ID: 411
@ 4i. WASHINGTON (cOLUIABIA). nit hsoriian Institution. Remarks on the type of the fossil cetacean ‘Agorophius pygn1us (1tiiler). pp. 8. Plate. 0 4 . Wahingtón, 1907. Bound in a volume lettered: Smithsonian Institutionecial Publications, 19—19O7.
Card ID: 227
Author: SEPII (Arrigo)
SEPII (Arrigo). La Guerra e le c],assi rurali Italiane. New Haven, 1930. See WASHINGTON (COLUIaBIA). Carnegie ELfldOflOflt for International Peaoe. Division of Jconomics and. History. Economic and Social History of the World War. Italian Series. J. T. Shotwefl, general editor.
Card ID: 56