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WASHINGTON COLUiA a:washington coluia|k:0924 (22)



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    WASHINGTON (COLUiA). Oarneie Endowment for International Peace. Thivison of 1oonomf tory. - Economic and Social Histoxr of the World War. Wrench Series. J. T. Shotwell, general editor. Bibliorap1e rnthodique de l’:histoire oonom— ique et sociale de la France pendant la guerre. Par 0 Bloch. pp. xxxvi. + 919. 8°. Paris arid New HaventjT.S.A., [1925.]

    Card ID: 355

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    1” M H WASHINGTON (COLUIA). Carnegie Endowment for Intr national Peace. Division of Econonics and History. Nationalism and war in the Near East. By a diplomatist George Young). Edited by Lord Courtney of Penwith. pp. cxvi. + 428. 0 8 . Oxi’ord, 1915.

    Card ID: 447

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    WASHINGTON (COLUiA). Carnegie Endowment1 for International Peace. Division of International Law. The Classics of International Law. Edited by J. B. Scott. 17. De jure naturae et gentium libri octo. By S. Pufenciorf. Vol. 1. The photo grap iic reproduction of the edition of 1688. With an introduction by W. Simoris. (Vol. 2. The translation of the edition of 1688. By C. i-I. Oidfather and Y. A. Oldfather.) 2 vols. Portrait. 4°. London, 1.934.

    Card ID: 38

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    c WASHINGTON (COLUIA). Carnegie Institution of Washing— !.. Lupp1ent’ary Publications. 9. The Annual rings of trees. Tree growth and climatic cycles. By A.E.Douglass. The Language of tree rings. By W.S.Glock. Reprinted from the Scientific Monthly, December, 1933, Vol. XXXVII., pp. 481—49, end June, 1934, Vol. XXXVIII., pp. 5O1—1O. pp. 2. Illustrations and diagrams., 8. Washington, 1934.

    Card ID: 211

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    WASHINGTON (COLUIA). Ceie Institution of Washington. Depart*ent of Marine Biology. Publlcat ions. j 28. Papers from Tortugas Laboratory, etc. (With bibliographies.] (Carnegie Institutic of Washington. Publications. No. 4.) - pp. (4) ÷ 361. P1ates, diagrwLs and. tables. 0 4 . Washington, 1934.

    Card ID: 269

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    WASHINGTON (COLUIA). Carnegie Institution of Wshiogton Station for ExperiuientafEvolution. tPapers. j 32. Heredity and social fitness: a st;ucy of differential mating in a Pennsylvania family. By W.E.Key. (Carnetie Institution of Vashington. Publication Fo. 29b.) pp. 102. Tables and folded chatLs. 0 - 8 . Washington, 1920.

    Card ID: 338

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    WASHINGTON (CoLUIA). Carnegie Institution of ‘lashing— ton. Tortugas Laboratory. See supra: prtment of Marine Bio1pgj.

    Card ID: 347

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    Author: WASHINGTON (CoLuIA)


    DEPOSI1ORY WASHINGTON (CoLuIA). Library of Congress. The Effect of war on the cost of living: a selected list of references. Complied by A. D. Brown...Revised edition. pp. (2) + 32. 8°. [yioJ, 1942. Tpt fac simile.

    Card ID: 108

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    Author: WASHINGTON (CoLuIA)


    DEPOSITORY WASHINGTON (CoLuIA). Lbraryof Cong ress. Post—war problems: a current list of United States government publications.. .October— December, 1944 (January—March (April—June), 1945). Compiled by K. 0. Murra, etc. 3 parts. 8°. Washington, 1945. pescript facsimile. The list for Oct.—Dec. l94i-s Supplement No. 2._ Wanting the original list and Supplement No._1.

    Card ID: 321

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    Author: WASHINGTON (coLuIA)


    DEPOSITORY WASHINGTON (coLuIA). Library of Congress. Radio and radio broadcasting: a selected list of references. Compiled by A. L Baden, . pp. (2) + 109. 80. [Washintonj, 1941. sc riDt facsimile.

    Card ID: 328

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    Author: WASHINGTON (coLuIA)


    DEOST0 WASHINGTON (coLuIA). Ii±brary of Congress. A Selected list of recent references on federal and state grants—in—aid, including a section on education. Coipi1ed by G. H. Fuller, pp. (2) + 28. 8°. sinon], 1940. Typescript facsimile.

    Card ID: 394

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    Author: WASHINGTON (coLuIA)


    DEPOSiTORY WASHINGTON (coLuIA). National Academy of Sciences. National Research Council. Bulletin of the National Research Council. 6. Data relating to x—ray spectra, with a brief statement of their bearing on theories of the structure of atoms and the mechanism of radiation. By W. Duane. pp. 383-408. Tables. 80 [Washjngton, 1 920.

    Card ID: 17