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WARNER Richard a:in richard|k:0740 (6)
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WARNER, Richard
WARNER, Richard Hyett
Author: WARNER (Richard)
14r , WARNER (Richard), !3otanist. P1antae ‘Voodfordienses: a cata1o!ue of the more perfect plants growinc spontaneously about Vloodford in...Essex. pp. 22g. 1.1.) 8°. London, 1771.
Card ID: 322
WARNER (Richard), Botanist. PLAUTUS (TJvI.) [Works — English.] Comedies of Plautus,translated... B.Thornton, etc. IVol. l,2,in- eluding the Captives by E.Warner with the life of Plautus, translateci from P. Crinitus, by R. Jarner; vol.3-5 continued by R. Varner; and the whole edited by him.) London, 1769—74.
Card ID: 323
WARNER (Richard), Rector of Cnelwood. anof Great Chal — Tie1d. Collections for the history of Hwnpsture 1ZTThe Bishopric of Winchester...B,y D.Y. or rather Richard Wrnerj. With the original Donesday of the county, and an...English translation, preface, and which is added a glossary. . .By R. Warner, etc. London, t1795). See Y., !.
Card ID: 324
WARNER (Richard), Rector of Che]wood and ofGieat Chalfield. Literary recollections. 2 vols. Fac3irnile, [S.R. 8°. London, 1830.
Card ID: 328
WARNER (Richard), Rector of Che]wood and ol G.zqat C) Chalfi eld. A Walk through ia].es, in August 1797... Fourth edition. pp. viii. + 23& 4aus. 8°. •Bath, 1801.
Card ID: 332
Author: WARNER (Richard Hyett)
WARNER (Richard Hyett). Life and legends of Saint Chad, Bishop of Lichfield, 669—672. With extracts from un—edited 4SS., pp. vii. ,+ 152. Pprtrjts 1tes and facsimile. 804 Wisbech, [1871].
Card ID: 333