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WARE Charles in (charles) (6)
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WARE, Charles
WARE, George Charles Winter
DAVENPORT, Charles Benedict
No Author available
Author: WARE (Charles)
• I1I’ 11 44 WARE (Charles). Dorsetehire: its vestiges, Celtic, Roman, Saxon, and Danish. The whole carefully classified and the finest examples of each pointed out. Also adapted as an index to the illustrated map, on which the several sites are indicated, etc. pp. vii. + 56. Diagram. 8°. London and Poole, 1865. Without the map, which are published separately.
Card ID: 182
Author: WARE (George Charles Winter)
‘: [ r P•i WARE (George Charles Winter). See TEUFF (Wilhelm Sigmund). Teuffel’s flistory of Roman literature, revised and enlarged by L. Schwabe.. Authorised translation from e fifth German edition by G. C. W. Warr. Londp and Cambrjjg, 1891—92.
Card ID: 412
Author: DAVENPORT (Charles Benedict)
pOSIQWU DAVENPORT (Charles Benedict). See UNITED STATES OF AI1ERICA. Departments of State and Official Bodies. Departmcnt of Ware Surgeon—General’s Office. Defects found in drafted men. Statistical information compiled from the draft records showing the physical condition of the men registered and examined in pursuance of the requirements of the SelectiveService Act. A.G.Lovo and C.B.Davenport. Washington, 1920.
Card ID: 284
Author: No Author available
(. . O1JA (Sir Charles William Ohadwiok). (ç Studies in the Napoleonic Ware...With...maps. pp. vi. •i- 284. 8°. J,ondon, 1929.
Card ID: 144
]AND. I.Exchange Ware at the Second Hand.] A Jilerrie dialogue betweene Band, Cuff, and Ruffe...Lately acted.. .in the...Universltie of Cambridge. HINDLY (Charles), of BookselJrst_, Strand. The Old book collector’s miscellany, etc. Vol. 2. London, 182.
Card ID: 319
(e1 . .t NQRRIS_(Charles), Artist. The rebiteotura1antiquities.of hales. Vo±.1, Pembrokeshire, No.1 [—3], St. David’s. pp.(2). .Plotes. [[.1.] obi. tol. .Lonaoa, iöiO[—ii]. tontaina 18 platte from drawin4a by C. Norris, with desoriptive letterpress. It n. intended toissue the work. in psrta, eaoh of which uas to contain S plates, but oeing to the oostlinees of.its production no more than three parts ware pcblishod, two in 1810 and the third in 1811.
Card ID: 208