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WARDLAW Claude Wilson and LEONARD Edward Robert on (robert) (4)
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WARDLAW, Claude Wilson and LEONARD, Edward Robert
WARDLAW, Claude Wilson and LEARD, Edward Robert
No Author available
Author: WARDLAW (Claude Wilson) and LEONARD (Edward Robert)
WARDLAW (Claude Wilson) And Leonard (Edward Robert). The Storage of West Indian mangoes. [With a bibliography.) (Imeria1 Co11ee of Tropical Agru1ure. Tr1njda. Low Teerature Research StatIon. )temoir, 3j pp. 47. Diagrams And tables. 8°. [Port—of-Soalni, 19:56. Subsidiary paper by E.R.Leonard for the degree of M.Sc, of the Unjvesjty of Lndon iii198. Catalogued irom the wraprer. ouncLjna volume lettred: Low Thmeratur Research Station, Trinidad. Memoirs y31ardlpw J.eonard.
Card ID: 26
Author: WARDLAW (Claude Wilson) and LE01ARD (Edward Robert)
U i (/ WARDLAW (Claude Wilson) And LE01ARD (Edward Robert). The Storage of avocado pears. IWith a ibljogphy.j (Irial College of Troøical Agriulture. T1iiidad, Low Temtrature Research Statnemoir, i.) pp. 20. agrams And tables. 8°. Port—of—Spajr, 1935. Subsidiary oaoer subm&tted y E.R.Leonard for the degree of M.Sc. of jjte University of Londonn 1958. Catalog edfrojn he wraie. ound1n a..voluie lettered: Jpwemoerature Me sear ci ah on, £riii.Znioirs by ardlavi _Leonard.
Card ID: 25
Author: No Author available
U’ f i) r WARDJ.’AbY (Claude Wilson) And Leonard (Edward Robert). Antiseptic And other treatments in the storage of Trinidad citrus fruits... With an appendix, Mycological notes on citrus wastage, by R.E.D.Baker. [With a bibliography.) pp. 27. Diagrams And tables. 8°. [Port—of-Spain], 1937. Subsjdjry paper submitted by E.R.Leonard for the degree of LSc. of the University pf Londpn in 19I. Bound in a volume lettered: Low Temperature Research Station. Trinidad. Lemoirs by Wardlaw & Leonard.
Card ID: 24
\j..I O.-.” Leonard (Edward Robert) And WARDLAW (Claude Wilson). Storage investigations with Trinidad citrus fruits, 1935-36. [With a bibliography.] (Ir&.alço1ege of Trppical Agriculture, Triniaad. Lw Temperatur.e Research Station. Mewoir, 6.) pp. 2B Charts And tables. 8°. [Port—of—Sai], 1937 Subsiarv iaer submitted bv E.R.Leonard for the degree of of the Univerity of Loidon, in 1958. Bound in p volume letteied: Low Tejrature Researeh 8tation Trinidad. Mmoirs by rdlaw & Lonard.
Card ID: 288