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WARD sir John an (john) (10)



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    Author: WARD (sir John)


    SL_ \L / HA’iWARD (Sir John). The First part of the life and raigrie of King Henrie the 1111., extending -.tG the end of the first yeare of his raigne. Written by I.H. [The dedication is signed I.Haywarde. With an introductory address to the reader by A.P.J pp. (8) + 149 + (1). [D.-L.L.] 8°. Iohn Wolfe: Lon4, 1599. In this edition the variant readirjg..s are: A2. 1.10. yvv.uyi-T 1.22. Taucer. [SEE NEXT CAHD.]

    Card ID: 351

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    Author: WARD (John Davy)


    HAY WARD (John Davy). See IXINDON. [iII,] Ufiivr.ity of Lohdon. Univer— - sity Library. The Sterling Library: a catalogue of the printed books and literary manuscripts collected by Sir Louis Sterling and presented by him to the University of London. [Prepared by M.B.C.Canney and edited by J.D.Hayward.] London, 1954.

    Card ID: 372

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    Author: ADIE (Rsnrond John)


    f 03Y RI-i ADIE (Rsnrond John). See PRIESnEY (Sir Raymond &ward). Antarctic research: a review of British scientific achievement in Antarctica. [By various authors. J Edited by R.Priestley, R.J.Adie, 0. de Q.Pobin. With a forewffrd by H.RJLthe Duke of Edinburgh. 4°. London, 1961i.

    Card ID: 114

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    Author: No Author available


    I .J .i). GRESHALL (Sir Thomas). J See WARD (John), of ores am College. The Lives of the professors of Gresham College, to which is prefixed the life of the founder,: Sir Thomas Gresham, . London, 1740.

    Card ID: 273

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    Author: No Author available


    LOiDON. reshaw CQUe. .0 See WARD (John), of Greshain CO1].. The Lives of the professors of Greshain College, to vhich is prefixed the life of the founder, Sir Thomas Gresham, 1740,

    Card ID: 357

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    Author: No Author available


    BIBLE. ik1j,16i1.J The Holy Bible, [Continued.] Canterbury, John Agiionby, Giles Tomson, Bishop of Gloucester, Sir henry Savile, Leonard Hutten, John Harmar, Warden of Winchester College; Romans — Jude at Westminster byWiUlamBarlow, Bishop of Lincoln, Ralph Hutchinson, John Spencer, Roger Fenton, Michael flabbett, Thomas Sanderson, William Dakins; and theApocrypha atCambridge by AndrewDownes, John Duport, William Branthwaite, Jeremiah Radcliffe, Samuel Ward, Rnhrt Wrc1., John .Bois; finally edited by Mile id Thomas Bilson, [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 244

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    Author: PHILIPS (Katharine)


    ‘- ç / / —, PHILIPS (Katharine), called ‘The lAatchless Orinda’. Poems...To which is added Monsieur Corneille’s Pompey & Horace, tragedies, [translated by K.Philipsj, (The fifth act Cof kiorace) translated by Sir J.Denham.) Vith several other translations out of French. [Edited by Sir C.Cotterell.J 2 parts in I vol. fol. London, 1669. wanting the frontispiece portrait of the author bY Faithorne. This covy has the boolcplate of John Ward (1679? — 1758). [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 291

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    Author: No Author available


    LOND0N.[III.] Britiah Academy, etc. kinual Shakeepeare Lecture. [Continued.] 1916. Y.acKAIL (John William). Sha.espeare after three hundred years. [1916.] . [Another copy.] t’.. P. LPu7/ 1917. BCHING (Henry C.) Dean of Norwich. The Character L.. of ShakesDeare. [1917) 1918. RALEIGI (Sir Walter A1exandar) Shakespeare and England. 17i8.J 1919. WARD (Six’ (&dolphus Willian). Shakcspeare and the’l44N makers of Virginia. [1919.) Ujc [Another copy.) . .. ( c’ 1920—192. [No lectures given.]

    Card ID: 105

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    Author: No Author available


    T1 L1. WARD (John), of Gre sham Coil ege. The Lives of the professors of rGresham College, to which is prefixed the life of the founder, Sir Thomas Gresham. With an appendix, consisting of orations, Leetires and letters, written by the professors, with other papers serving to illustrate the lives. pp. (4) + xxiv. + 538 + (2) + 156, Portrais and plates. [De ILL) fol. London, 1740. [Another copy.] 7. t’ 5.

    Card ID: 404

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    Author: No Author available


    y-.. i\vtt Ii.) C. COLLECTION. A Collection of poems, viz: the Temple of Death, by the Marquis of Normanby [or rather, trans..lated by him from the French of P. Habert); an Epistle to the Earl of Dorset, by Charles Montague, Lord Halifax; the Duel of the stags, by Sir Robert Howard. With several original poems never before printed...The second editiui. pp. () + 455 + (5). 8°. London, 1702. A duplicate signature Ee has been bound in between nd Ccl. This coyyhich_fQrmerly bIànged to John Ward (1679?—75J has hii bokplat arçI_his autogri signature on the flyl

    Card ID: 331