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WARD Seth a:be john|k:an (john) (4)



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    Author: WARD (Seth)


    J3 P Web WARD (Seth), succesalvely Bishop of Exeter and of Salisbury. Vindicie academiarum: containing some briefe animadversione upon Mr Webaters book, stiled, The examination of academies. Together with an appendix concerning what H.Hobbs, and M.Dell have published on this argument. [A facsimile of the edition of 1654.] See WiBSTER (John), Chaplain to the Army. [Academiarum Examen.J Science and education in the seventeenth century: the Webster—Ward debate. [Facsimile reprints, with an introduction by) Allen G.Debus. London and New York, 1970.

    Card ID: 504

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    Author: WILKINS (John)


    J3P Web WILKINS (John), Bishop of Chester. See WEBST (John), Chaplain to the Army. LAcademiarum Examen .J Science and education in the seventeenth century; the Webster—Ward debate. (Vindiciae academiarum; containing some briefe animadversiona upon Hr Websters book, stiled, The examination of academies. Together with an appendix concerning what N. Hobba,and 1. Dell have published on this argument. [Signed H.D. i.e. Seth Ward. With a preface siied N.S. i.e. John Wilkins,]) [Facsimile reprints with an introduction by] Allen G. Debus. London and New York, 1970.

    Card ID: 340

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    Author: WEBSTER (John)


    We WEBSTER (John), Chaplain to the Army. [Academiaruju Examen.) Science and education ir the seventeenth century: the Webster-Ward debate. (Acadetniarum exanen; or, the Examination of academies, wherein is discussed and exaitiined the matter, method and custoinee of academick and scholastick learning, and the insufficiency thereof discovered and laid open, as also some expedients proposed for the reforming of achools...By Jo.Webster. — Vindiciat academiarum: containing some briefe animadversions upon MrWebsters book, atiled, The examination of academies. Together with an appendix concerning what t4.Robbs, and M.Dell have published on this argument. (Signed 1LD. i.e. Seth Ward. With a preface signed N.S. i.e.John Wilkins.] — Histrio—maatix: a whip for Webster (as tis conceived the quondam player; or, an Examination of one John Websters delusive (SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 500

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    Author: HOBES (Thomas)


    J31? - Web HOBES (Thomas). [Appendix.] See WE8SP (John), Chaplain to the Army. LAcademiarum Exazen.) Science and education in the seventeenth century: the Webster-Ward debate. (Vindiciae academiaruin; containing some briefe animadversions upon Nr Websters book, stiled, The examination of academies. Together with an appendix concerning what H. Hobbs,and N. Dell have published on this argument. [Signed H.D. i.e. Seth Ward.. With a preface signed N.S. i.e. John Wilkins.]) [Facsimile reprints with an introduction by] Allen G. Debue. London and New York, 1970.

    Card ID: 545