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WALPOLE Horace a:re george|k:george (george) (25)



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    Author: WALPOLE (Horace)


    2 WALPOLE (Horace), Earl of Orford. The Works of Horatio Walpole, . [Continued.] For vol. 6 see infra: [Letters.] George Montagu, etc. iai8 and W. Cole, . iBTa. For 7-8 see infra: Nemoires of the last ten years of the reign of George the Second. 1822.

    Card ID: 349

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    Author: WALPOLE (Horace)


    \-_ WALPOLE (Horace), Earl o Qford. tljetters.O George li&ontagu, I roni the year 1736 to...1770. Now first published from the originals, in the possession of the editor [J. Martin]. pp. (4) + 446. 40 1818.

    Card ID: 351

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    Author: WALPOLE (Horace)


    WALPOLE (Horace), Earl or Qri’qd. [Letters.] Letters of Horace Walpolc, Earl of Orford, to Sir H. Mann...IJow first published I roin the originals...Edited by Lord Dover. Second edition. 3 vols. Portrait. [G.G.) 0 8 . Lond, 1833.

    Card ID: 353

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    Author: WALPOLE (Horace)


    %ft \tJi7F WALPOLE (Horace), of Orford. [Letters.) The Correspondence of Horace Vialpole, Earl of Orford, and the 1ev. Williem Meson. Now first published from the original MSS. Edited, with notes, by J.Mitford. 2 vols. i8i.

    Card ID: 354

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    Author: WALPOLE (Horace)


    7 WALPOLE (Horace), Earl of Orford. [Letters.] Phe Letters of Horace Walpole, Ear], of Orford. Edited by P.Cunninghain. Now first chronologically arranged. 9 vole. Portraits and illustrations. 8°. London, 1857—59.

    Card ID: 355

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    Author: WALPOLE (Horace)


    ‘i 1?F WALPOLE (Horace), Ear]. of Orford. [Letters.) Horace Walpole and his world: select passages from his letters. Edited b3r L.B.Seeley. New edition. pp. vii. + 296. Portrait. g0 London, 1895.

    Card ID: 356

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    Author: WALPOLE (Horace)


    WALPOLE (Horace), Earl of Orford. fLetters.] Some uupub1ished letters of Horace Walpole. Edited by Sir .Wa1po1e, etc. (8) 113. Portraits. 8. London, 1902.

    Card ID: 357

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    Author: WALPOLE (Horace)


    WALPOLE (Horace), [Letters.] [Letters.) See GRAY (P.), th Poet. [Letters.] The Correspondence of Gray, Waipole, West and Ashton, Oxford, 1915.

    Card ID: 360

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    Author: WALPOLE (Horace)


    Wi7F 137 Reejence only WALPOLE (Horace), Earl of.Orford [Ietters.] The Yale edition o Horace Walpole’s correspondence. Edit,ed by W.S.Lewis. Portraits,piandacsimfles. London and New Haven (Oxford), 197—’i983. 1,2. Correspondence with the Rev. Wil1ianCole. Edited by W.S.ewis and A.D. Wallace. 1937. 3—8. Correspondence with Madame du Deffand and Vfiart. Edited by W.S.Lwis and LII. Smith. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 361

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    Author: WALPOLE (Horace)


    WALPOLE (Horace), Earl of Orford. [Lettere.i The Yale edition of Horace Walpole’s correspondence, etc. [Continued.) 17—27. Correspondence with Sir Horace Mann. Edit(ed Jiv W.S.Lewis, W.H.Smith and G.L. Lau w1th the assistance of E.M.Martz). 1955-19’71. [SEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 364

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    Author: WALPOLE (Horace)


    WALPOLE (Horace), Earl of The Yale edition of Horace Walpole’s correspondence, [Continued.] 28—29. Correspondence with William Mason. Edited by W.S.Le’jjg, G.Cronin and C.H.Bennett. 1955. 30. Correspondence with George Selwyn, Lord Lincoln, Sir Charles Hanbury Williams, Henry Pox, Richard Edgoumbe. Edited by W.S. Lewis and RA. Snith. 1961. 31. Correspondence with Hannah More, Lady Browne, Lady Mary Coke, Lady Hervey, Lady George Lennox, Arnie Pitt, Lady Suffolk, Mary Hamilton (Mrs. John Dicker---” 4ted by W.S.Lewis, R.A, Smith H. Bennett. 1961. Si N-XT C.]

    Card ID: 365

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    Author: WALPOLE (Horace)


    ‘IL Reference only WALPOLE (Horace), Earl of Orford. [Letters.] The Yale edition of Horace Walpole’s correspondence, etc. EcontinueZT 37—39. Correspondence with Henry Seymour Conway, Lady Ailesbury, Lord and Lady Hertford, Mrs Harris (Lord Beauchamp, Henrietta Seymour Conway,. Lord Henry and Lord Hugh Seymour). Edited by W.S. Lewis, Lars B. Troide, Edwine H. Hartz and Robert A. Smith. 3 vols, 1974, 40—42. Horace Walpole’ a miscellaneous correspondence. Edited by 11.5. Lewis and John Riely, with the assistance of Edwine N. Hartz and Ruth K. McClure. 3 vols. 1980. SEE t1EXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 367