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WALPOLE Horace a:on robert|k:an (robert) (7)



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    Author: WALPOLE (Horace)


    ‘IL Reference only WALPOLE (Horace), Earl of Orford. [Letters.] The Yale edition of Horace Walpole’s correspondence, etc. EcontinueZT 37—39. Correspondence with Henry Seymour Conway, Lady Ailesbury, Lord and Lady Hertford, Mrs Harris (Lord Beauchamp, Henrietta Seymour Conway,. Lord Henry and Lord Hugh Seymour). Edited by W.S. Lewis, Lars B. Troide, Edwine H. Hartz and Robert A. Smith. 3 vols, 1974, 40—42. Horace Walpole’ a miscellaneous correspondence. Edited by 11.5. Lewis and John Riely, with the assistance of Edwine N. Hartz and Ruth K. McClure. 3 vols. 1980. SEE t1EXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 367

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    Author: WALPCLE (Horace)


    1J WALPCLE (Horace), .r1 of Oxfod. ELetters.] The Yale edition of Horace Walpole’s correspondence, etc. [Continued.) 323Zi. Correspondence with the Countess of Upper Ossory... Edited by ‘..S.Lewis and A.D.Wallace, with the assistance of E.M.!artz. 1965. 35. Correspondence with John Chute, Richard Beit1ey, the Earl of Straf ford, Sir William Hamilton, the Earl and Countess Harcourt, George Hardinge. Edited by W.S.Lewis, A.Dayle Wallace and Robert A.Smith, with the assistance of Edwine Mi4artz. 1973. 36. Correspondence with the Walpole family. Edited by W.S. Iewis and Joseph W.Reed with the assistance of Edwine H. Hartz. 1973. ISEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 366

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    Author: NARES (Robert)


    ‘IL NARES (Robert). “ WALPOLE (Horace), Earl of .Orford. The Yale edition of Horace Walpole’s correspondence, Vol. 15. Horace Walpole’s correspondence with Sir D. Dalrymple...R.Nares. Edited by W..S.Lewis and C.H.Bennett. London and New Haven, 1952.

    Card ID: 101

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    Author: HENRY (Robert)


    HENRY (Robert). WALPOLE (Horace), Earl of Oxfod. The Yale edition of Horace Walpole’.s correspondence, Vol. 15. Elorace Wa].polets correspondence with Sir D.Dalrymple. . .R.Henry. . .Edited byW.3.Lew is and C.H,.Bennett. London and New ven, 1952.

    Card ID: 383

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    Author: SMITH (Robert Arthur)


    ‘ii— F g37 k’JricJ1 311L; SMITH (Robert Arthur). See WALPOLE (Horace), Ear]. of Orford. [Letters. The Yale edition of Horace Walpole’s correspondence. Edited by W.S. Lewis (R.A. Smith) [and othero]. London and New Haven (Oxford), 1937-1983.

    Card ID: 114

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    Author: BERTIE (Robert)


    STERLING LIBRARY REFERENCE ONLY BERTIE (Robert), 4th Duke of Ancaeter and Keteven. To lady Horatia Waldegrave, on the death of the Duke of Ancaster. [A poem. By Charles Miller.] pp. 3. 40, [Strawberry Hill printed, 1780). With an autograph note by Horace Walpole: by Cha1es Miller Esq. Bound in a volume lettered ‘Miscellanie with 12 other items printed at the Straw— 6erry Hill Press. S..C.g 1.849 viii.

    Card ID: 191

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    Author: No Author available


    • C ?S ni) Cc. Cic(ZJ C,, BERRY (Robert), Father of Mary Berry. See WALPOIE (Horace), Ear]. of Orford. The Works of Horatio Walpole, Earl of Orford. CEdited by R.Berry, with the assistance of his daughter, Mary.] London, 1798.

    Card ID: 578