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WALLIS, John Peter Richard
Author: WALLIS (John Peter Richard )
WALLIS (John Peter Richard ) See RHODESIA, Southern. Government ArchivesOppenheimer Series. 1. The Matabele Journals of Robert 1offat, 1829—186OEdite by J.P.R.Wallis., London, 19Li.5,
Card ID: 250
Author: WALLIS (John Peter Richard)
WALLIS (John Peter Richard). RHODESIA, Southerri. overrmient Archives. Oppenheimer Series. 2. The Matabele mission: a selection from the correspondence of John and Emily Moff at, David Livingstone and others, 1858—1878. Edited by J.P.R..Wailis.. V V London, 1945.
Card ID: 251
WALLIS (John Peter Richard). RHODESIA, Souther, Government Archives. Oppenheimer Series. 6. The Zambesi ourna1 of James Stewart, 162—1863. With a selection from his correspondence. Edited by J.P.R.Wallis. London, 1952.
Card ID: 253
WALLIS (John Peter Richard). RHODESIA, Southern. Government Archives. Oppenheimer Series. 8. The S’uthern African diaries of Thomas Leask, 1865—1870. Edited by J.P.R.Wallis. London, 19-54.•
Card ID: 255