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WALLIN John Edward Wallace a:in john|k:in (john) (4)



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    Author: WALLIN (John Edward Wallace)


    WALLIN (John Edward Wallace). Problems oI subnorinalit,y...Wit.h an introduction by JW. iithers. [With a bibliography.] pp. xv. + 485. Diagrams and tables. 0 8 . New York, 1921.

    Card ID: 169

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    Author: WALLIN (John Edward Wallace)


    WALLIN (John Edward Wallace). Clinical and abnormal psychology; a textbook for educators, psychologists and mental hygiene workers. IWith a bibliography.) (Biyçrsid,. Textbooks i&Educati.) pp. xxii. ÷ 649. Plates, diagams_d tables. 0 8 . ambrig, LMass.] 1927.

    Card ID: 165

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    Author: WALLIN (John Edward Wallace)


    DEPOSITO WALLIN (John Edward Wallace). Personality maladjustments end mental hygiene: a textbook for psychologists, educators, counselors and mental—hygiene workers. First., edition, fifth impression. lWit1h a bibliography. (McGraw—Hill Publications in Psycholo). pp. xii. + Ti. 8. New York and London, 193.

    Card ID: 168

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    Author: No Author available


    tEPOS.J1ORY WALLIN (John Edward Wallace). - Mental deficiency in relation to problems of genesis, social and occupational consequences, utilization, control and prevention...With a foreword by F.C. Theme. [With bibliographies.) pp. xv. + 200. Tables. 8°. Brandon,Vt., 1956.

    Card ID: 166