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WALLACE Robert a:in robert|k:0029 (5)
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STEWART, Robert Wallace
PIE, Wallace Spencer anã pc, Antony Robert
Author: WALLACE (Robert)
WALLACE (Robert), A.M., Collegiate Tutorof the University of London. See VCLID. [Elementa. - glish.J The Elements of geometry; or, the First six books, with the eleventh arid twelfth, of Euclid, from the text of R. Simson. With corrections, annotations and exercises by R. Wallace. London, 1852.
Card ID: 555
WALLACE (Robert), Unitarian Minister. Antitrinitarian biography; or, Sketches of the lives and writings of distinguished Antitrinitarians, exhibiting a view of the state of the Unitarian doctrine and worship in the principal nations of Europe from the Reformation to the close of the seventeentJa century-. To which is prefixed a history of tJnitarianism in England during the same period. 3 vols. 8°. London, 1850.
Card ID: 559
WALLACE (Robert), Unitarian MinLster. Introductory lecture (to the course on critical and exegetical theology), London, 1841. See MANCHESTER. Manchester New Col1eg. Theological Department. Introductory discourses,
Card ID: 560
Author: STEWART (Robert Wallace)
D E P013 ITO Y STEWART (Robert Wallace). See BRIGGS (William), Principal of University Correspondence College and STEWART Robert Wallace). Qualitative analysis.. .Second edition, eighth impression. London, 1933.
Card ID: 237
Author: PIE (Wallace Spencer) anã pc (Antony Robert)
folio 53 DMzg Pit PIE (Wallace Spencer) anã pc (Antony Robert). The Geolor of 1regal: a study of granite eip1a cement and nroofin. (Reg±onal Geo1o’ Series.) p. xii, L4.35. Libl., il].us • unct raJx3. New York, 1972. Two folded ps are contained in arc. end-pocket.
Card ID: 493