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WALKER Richard a:on richard|k:0467 (3)
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WALKER, Richard
WALKER, Richard Johnson
RIW, Richard Bruce ard WALKER, John Cecil
Author: WALKER (Richard)
WALKER (Richard), A Few words in favour. o.f Professor Powell, and the sciences, as connected with certain educational, remarks, ( chiefly in the way. ofextract>. By Philomath. Oxoniensis [i.e. p.Walker]. xford, 1832. PHILOMATH, Oxoniensi,seud. [i.e. R. AL1cEa, B.P.]
Card ID: 285
Author: WALKER (Richard Johnson)
WALKER (Richard Johnson). Sophoclean fragments emended. pp. ix. + 122. 8°. Londor, 1921.
Card ID: 292
Author: RIW (Richard Bruce) ard WALKER (John Cecil)
RIW (Richard Bruce) ard WALKER (John Cecil) &igland under lizabeth, 1558 — 1603. Illustrated from conteiniorary sources. [With bibliograyhies.J (University of London Intermediate ource—ooks of iistory. No.8,) p, xxv. 0 8 . London, 19326
Card ID: 405