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WALKER John a:in use|k:in (use) (5)
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Author: WALKER (John)
U WALKER (John), Fellov? of Trinity College, Dublin. The Philosophy of arithmetic..,and the elements of algebra: designed for the use of schools, etc. pp. x. + (2) + 203. [De M.J 8°. Dublin, 1812.
Card ID: 197
e WALKER (John), Philologist. Walker1s Pronouncing dictionary of the English language. With the key, and upwards of 10,000 additional words and phrases in daily use, recently introduced into the language. By anci8 R. Sowrerby. (A Key to the classical pronunciation of Greek, Latin and scripture proper names, with terminational vocabularies of Hebrew, Greek, and Latin proper names, and observations on the Greek and Latin accent and quantity. By John Walker.) 2 vols. in 1. Port. Halifax, 1866.
Card ID: 210
Author: No Author available
214e4 DICYDIONARHS. [languages. -English. I Walkerts Pronouncing dictionary of the English language. With the key, and upwards of 10,000 additional words and phrases in daily use, recent1y introduced into the language. By Francis B. Sowerby. (A Key to the classical pronunciation of Greek, Latin and scripture proper names, with terminational vocabularies of Hebrew, Greek, and Latin proper names, and observations on the Greek and Latin accent and quantity. By John Walker.) Halifax, 1866. See WALKER (John), Philologist. ‘S
Card ID: 342
e SOWERBY (Francis B.) See WAUCER (John), Philologist. Walkers Pronouncing dictionary of the English language. With the key, and upwards of 10,000 additional words and phrases in daily use, recently introduced into the language. By Francis B. Sowerby. (A Key to the classical pronunciation of Greek, Latin and scripture proper names, with tenuinational vocabularies of Hebrew, Greek, and Latin proper names, and observations on the Greek and Latin accent and quantity. By John Walker.) Halifax, 1866.
Card ID: 37
8 LONDON. ercy Sociçy. Early English poetry, ballads., and popular literature of the Middle Ages; . 29. Notices of fugitive tracts and chap—books. Edited byJ.O.HaUiwell. The Man in the moone. CPrefatory letters s-igned W..M.) Edited by. the same. The Use of dice—play. By G.-Walker?1 Edited by the sane. The Loyal garland. Edited by the same. Poems and ‘songs on the- assassination of the Duke of’ Buckingham (by-John. Felton, August 23, 1628). Ed’itedby F.W.Fairhol.t.
Card ID: 123