
Search Term (count):

WAKE William a:in thomas|k:thomas (for) (4)



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    Author: WAKE (William)


    4- 3_ WAKE (William), successively Bishop of Linoo±n and Archbishop of Canterbury. p?ovifl A Letter to the Lord Archbishop of Oanterbur that His Grace cannot be the author of the Letter to an eminent Presbyterian olergnnan in Swisserland, in which the present state of religion, in England is blackened and exposed, and the present ministry misrepresented and traduced. [By Thomas Gordon?) pp. 36. LL.I.] 8°. London, 1719. Bound with: A Short vindication of the Archbishop of Cantebury.

    Card ID: 157

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    Author: WAKE (William)


    f PSAN Wak WAKE (William), successive].y Bishop of Lincoln and Archbishop of Canterbury. - The State of the Church and clergy of England in their councils, convocations, synods, conventions, and other publick assemblies, historically deduced from the conversion of the Saxons to the present me With a large appendix of original writs, and other instruxnents...Occasion’d by a book [by F.Atterbury, Bishop of Rochester] intituled, The rights, powers, and privileges of an glish convocation, 8 • pp. (26), xviii, 622, 21i7. London, 1703, republishe 1967.

    Card ID: 162

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    Author: WAKE (William)


    1-Th WAKE (William), successively Bishop of Lincoln and Archbishop of Canterbury. Three tracts against Popery, written in the year MDCLXXXVI. 3 parts in I vol. 4. London, i687. Each part has a separate gjnam register and titlepage. The_titlepage to the secondart is dated 16j.

    Card ID: 163

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    Author: WAKE (William)


    PSL1 Sk WAKE (William), successively BishoD Qf Lincoln and Archbishop_f Can terbur. See STiCES (Norman). William Wake, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1657—1737. Cambridge, 1957.

    Card ID: 168