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WAGNER Leopold a:wagner leopold|k:0917 (6)
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WAGNER, Leopold
WAGNER, Heinrich Leopold
WAGNER, Max Leopold
Author: WAGNER (Leopold)
WAGNER (Leopold). London inns and taverns. pp. 252. 8°. London, 1924..
Card ID: 311
nti4 WAGNER (Leopold). I Names and their meaning: a boor for the curious. pp. 330. 0 8 . London, 1892. [another copy.) [L.I.]
Card ID: 314
OEPQSLTQ1Y WAGNER (Leopold). A Ncw book about London: a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore. pp. 223. 8°. London, 1921.
Card ID: 315
Author: WAGNER (Heinrich Leopold)
WAGNER (Heinrich Leopold). Die Kifldermörderiz: em Trauerspiel,eto. Heilbronn, 1883. SEtJ7i’1RT (B.) Deu,tohe Litteratur.enkrna1e ,otc. Vol.3, ,iIo.13.
Card ID: 285
WAGNER (Heinrich Leopold). Voltaire am Abend eeirler Apot]aeose,eto. Heilbi-oim, 1881. See SEUF)ERT (B.) Deutsche Litter.turd.enicrna1e ,etc. Vol. 3-., No. 2.
Card ID: 286
Author: WAGNER (Max Leopold)
Z&cdr WAGNER (Max Leopold). [See ZEITSCHRIfl FÜR ROMAN±SCHE Zeitsehrift für roraanische Philologie. Beihefte, etc., 72. (La Intanoia d Jesu..Christo: zehn spanisohe Weibnachtsspiele. Von 0. Fernández y Avila...Herausgegeben von M.t,Wagner, etc.) Halle-on—the-Saale, 1922.
Card ID: 331