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WAGNER Heinrich a:wagner heinrich|k:0917 (5)
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WAGNER, Heinrich
WAGNER, Heinrich Leopoid
WAGNER, Heinrich Leopold
Author: WAGNER (Heinrich)
Lingui8tic Atlases XCDV13 ag Reference only WAGNER (Heinrich). Linguistic atlas and survey of Irish dialects. 4 V018. fol. Dublin, 1958—69. 1. Introduction. 300 maps. 1958. 2. The Dialects of Munster. 1964. 3. The Dialects of Connaught. 1966. 4. The Dialects of Ulster and the Isle of Nan. Specimens of Scottish Gaelic dialects. Phonetic texts of East Ulster Irish by H.Wagner and Coim O’Baoi].l. 1969.
Card ID: 280
XCAA Wag WAGNER (Heinrich). Studies in the origins of the Celts and of’ early Celtic civilisation. pp.(flO). Belfast and Ttfbingen, 1971.
Card ID: 281
Author: WAGNER (Heinrich Leopoid)
WAGNER (Heinrich Leopoid). Die Kind.ermörderin1: sin Trauerspiel. — Prometheus, Deukalion und seine Recensenten, etc. KuER scariiia (j.) Deutsche Nat lonal-Litteratur. 79—81. SAUER (A.) Stttrmer und Drnger, etc. Vol. 2. pp. 27—378. BArlin ii Stuttgart, [1883.]
Card ID: 284
Author: WAGNER (Heinrich Leopold)
WAGNER (Heinrich Leopold). Die Kifldermörderiz: em Trauerspiel,eto. Heilbronn, 1883. SEtJ7i’1RT (B.) Deu,tohe Litteratur.enkrna1e ,otc. Vol.3, ,iIo.13.
Card ID: 285
WAGNER (Heinrich Leopold). Voltaire am Abend eeirler Apot]aeose,eto. Heilbi-oim, 1881. See SEUF)ERT (B.) Deutsche Litter.turd.enicrna1e ,etc. Vol. 3-., No. 2.
Card ID: 286