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WADE Richard Clement a:in richard|k:0740 (2)
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WADE, Richard Clement
Author: WADE (Richard Clement)
N P WADE (Richard Clement). The Urban frontier: the rise of western cities, 1790—1830. (With biblioraphioal references.] (Harvard Historical Monogaphs, 41.) pp. (12) + 360. &‘. Cambridge, [Mass.],1959. An6ther copy.]
Card ID: 65
33 NCY lty Reference only WADE (Richard Clement). See cra (:arold Melvin) and WADE (Richard Clement). Chicago: growth of a metropolis. ([j] Earold M. hyer and Richard C. Wade, with the assistance of Glen E. Holt. (rtogrephy by Gerald F. Pyle. Chicago and London, 1969.
Card ID: 66