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WAD Robert wad (robert) (6)
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WAD, Robert
PALMER, Leonard Robert
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Author: WAD (Robert)
“cc Wae WAD (Robert). Progress and. revolution: a study of the issues of our age. pp. viii. + 372. Bibliographies]. notes. 8°. New York, 1967.
Card ID: 120
Author: PALMER (Leonard Robert)
t) oi+ PALMER (Leonard Robert). See LONDON. [III.] University of London. Institute of Classical Studies. Studies in Mycenaean inscriptions and dialect, 1953—1955 [and subsequent years): bibliographical indexes...By J.Chadwick, L.R. Palmer1 M.Ventris, ed[itor, wad others]. [London, 1956J, etc.
Card ID: 267
Author: No Author available
BEITRABE ZUR GESCHICHTE D PiIII.OSOPHIE DES MITIELALTEtS. Beiträge stir Geschichte der Philosophie des Mittelalters: Texte wad Untersuchungen, etc. Neue Folge. [Continued.] 4. RNCONJ$ (Adalbertus). Leben wad Schrjften des 1’ !7 Prager Magisters Adalbert Rankonis de Ericinio. [Edited with an introduction by] (J.Kadlec). Aus )71 de Nachj.ass von R.Holinka und J.Vilikovaky. 1971. 5. NOFFMANN (Fritz). Die theologieche :‘lethode des OxIordorR,l Dominikanerlehrers Robert 1-lolcot. 1972. 6. FELLNANN (Ferdinand). Scholastik wad kosmologische Reform. 1971. r .4.( e) [SEE NEXT CARD.J
Card ID: 335
‘9”. GELDER (Robert Herman van Blutbe sahaffenhe it und Krpe rbau be i Hochgebirgs- wad Niederungsvieh, etc. [With a bibliography. Submitted to the University of Utreoht for the degree of Veterinary Science.) pp. (8) ÷ 104. Plan. charts and tables. O Mnsterd8m,192’?.
Card ID: 296
zIk1kIEJUiANI1 (Robert), Prof eor at iienrw. LEIBNITZ (Got tfried Wilhelm von), Baron. [ionado1ogie. - German,) L.eibnitzt ?Ionado1ogie. Deutsch, mit einer Abhandlung Uber Leibnitz’ wad Herbartts Theorieen des wirklichen Gescheaens, von R,Zimmermann. Vienna, 1847.
Card ID: 261
PRINCETON (NEW iESEY). Princeton University. Department of conomic wad oe4el Int4utions. inteT1Ational Finance Section, Princeton studies in international fizance. [Continued.] 12. TRIFFIN (Robert). The Evolution of the international monetary system. 1964. 13. ALIBER (Robert Z.) The Management of W1TH1zi the dollar in international finance. 1964. 14. BROWN (Weir N.). The External liquidity of an advanced country. 1964. 15. CANTERBERY (E.R.) Foreign exchange, capital flows, and monetary- policy. 1965 SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 179