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W Reginald Allen a:i i john|k:on (john) (1)
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W, Reginald Allen
Author: W (Reginald Allen)
( M’j(, BR0W (RegInald Allen). LONDOI. :xII.] fe fbI],. 3ocIy. L?ublIcatIons.I New SerIes. 31. The Memoranda.roll ror the tenth year of the reIgn of KIng John, 1207—8. Togeher wIth the CurIa RegIs rolls of UjIary 7 RIchard 1.3 1196, and Easter 9 RIchard I., 119, a roll of plate held by Hugh de NevIlle In 9 John, 1207—8, and fragments of the Close Rolls of 16 and 17 John, 1215—16. EdIted by R.A. Brown. London, 1957.
Card ID: 429