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VILLON, Francois
Author: VILLON (Francois)
\‘6 VILLON (Francois). (Collections.—g1ish.J The Testaments of François Villon. Translated Iwith a biographical study] by J. Ft. Lepper. pp. (10) + 144 + (2). Facsirnijle. 4°. Loncion privately printed, 1924. Printed by the Casanova Society. No. Ot_of an edition ilmited to 775 copies.
Card ID: 103
t1 VILLON (Francois). Le Grant testament. Villon et le petit. Son codicille. Le iargon & ses balades. (Facsimile integral de l’un des trois exemplaires connus de 1’é4tion princeps...imprimCe a Paris en 1489.) [With an introduction and glossary by J.Guignard.] (L Livres C]bres.) pp. (120) + xxxi. Illustrations. 0 8 . 1957]. The introduction arLd g1ossay are contained in a searateoamohlet vthich is inserted at the end of the voluiae.
Card ID: 112
(X’1)BcL 1Vi VILLON (Francois). Le Jargon et Jobelin: comprenant cinq ballades indites..Avec u.n dictionnaire ana1yt.q.ue du jargon par LVitu. EWith a bibliography.) ((Euvres deFrançcis Villon.) ppe 5l2. 8°. ?aris 1889. A reissue, with adifferent titlepage, of LeJar gon du XVe_ si ole e to -. whjch was fit nb1ished In
Card ID: 116
(x 4’i Jj VILLON (Francois). THOMAS (Louis Auguste Georges Marie). Les Dernires lecons deMarcel Sohvrob sur Frangols Villon, Paris, 1906.
Card ID: 135