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VILLIERS $ John Abraham Jacob a:to john|k:to (john) (3)
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VILLIERS, $ John Abraham Jacob
VILLIERS, Sir John Abraham Jacob de
Author: VILLIERS ($ John Abraham Jacob)
DE VILLIERS ($ John Abraham Jacob). LONDON. LIII.] flakluyt Society. [Publications.] Second Series. 26, Storm van’s Gravesande: The rise of British Guiana, compiled from his despatches by C.A.Harris... and J.A.J. de Villiers. London, 1911.
Card ID: 100
DE VILLIERS ($ John Abraham Jacob). LONDON. (III.] Ralcluyt Socie. [Publications.) Second Series. 11. Early Dutch and English voyages to Spitsbergen.. .includirig.. .Jacob Segersz van der Brugge “Journael of Dagh Register...Translated into J.A.J. de Vi].liers. London, 1904.
Card ID: 98
Author: VILLIERS (Sir John Abraham Jacob de)
VILLIERS (Sir John Abraham Jacob de). See I.Th VILLIEJIS (Sir John A.J.)
Card ID: 57