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VICTOR Edward a:price harry|k:on (harry) (5)
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VICTOR, Edward
APPLETON, Sir Edward Victor
APPLETON, S Edward Victor
RGAN, Edward Victor
Author: VICTOR (Edward)
Harry Price Library For Reference On’y VICTOR (Edward). The Magic of the hands, etc. [ 19371
Card ID: 433
Author: APPLETON (Sir Edward Victor)
APPLETON (Sir Edward Victor). Clerk I4axwell and modern science. Six commemorative lectures (delivered at Kingts College, London) by Sir E.V.Appleton, E.G. Bowen, G.A.Coulsozi, .E.Peierls, Sir J. Randall [and] R.A.Smith. Edited by C.Domb. London, 1963. See DOMB (Cyril).
Card ID: 105
Author: APPLETON (S Edward Victor)
DEQ5TORY I APPLETON (S Edward Victor). Science aaidthe nation: the B.B.C. Reith Lectures for 1956. pp. :i. + 104. 8°. Edinburgh, 1957.
Card ID: 108
APPLETON (Sir Edward Victor). See ALDOUS (William H.) and APPLETON (Sir Edward. V.) Therjnionic vacuum tubes and their applications. (Sixth edition.) London, 1952. (Seventh edition.) London and New York, 1958.
Card ID: 109
Author: RGAN (Edward Victor)
fTNM Mor )RGAN (Edward Victor). Econonic and financial aspects of road improvement.. .A report comissioned by the Roads Campaign Council. pp. 36. Portraits, maps and tables. fol. tLondon], 1965.
Card ID: 431