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VERRILL Addison Emery verrill (addison emery) (3)
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VERRILL, Addison Emery
COE, Wesley Roswell
Author: VERRILL (Addison Emery)
VERRILL (Addison Emery). Monograph of the shallow—warer starfi she s of the North Pacific Coast from he Arotio Ocean to California. Washington, 1914. WASHINGTON (OOLIflAIA). Smithsonian Inst itutiofl. Harriman Alaska Series. No. 14.
Card ID: 428
VERRILL (Addison Emery). See WAS:-JINGTON (COLUMBIA). Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections. Vol.15. [Article III.) No.294. KIDDER (J.H.). Contributions to the natural history of Kerguelen Island...I.[Anne1ids and echinoderms. By A.E.Verrill.] Wshingpj, 1876.
Card ID: 430
Author: COE (Wesley Roswell)
COE (Wesley Roswell). Addison Emery Verrill and his contributions to zoology. [with a bibliography:] çFrorn Aiierican Journal of Science, Vol. XIII, May, 1927.) pp-. 377—387. Portrait.. 8. [Ne’i Haven Co., 19271. ata1ogued from the wrper.
Card ID: 444