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VERDENIUS Willem Jacob and iiiSZINK Jan Hendrik a:e jacob|k:e (or) (1)



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    Author: VERDENIUS (Willem Jacob) and iiiSZINK (Jan Hendrik)


    VERDENIUS (Willem Jacob) And iiiSZINK (Jan Hendrik). Philosophia antiqua, etc. [ntinued.] iT 13. NICOLAtIS, Danacnu. Nicolaue Daznascenus on tbo philosopby of Aristotle. Fragments of the first five bocks tran8lated from the Syriac with an introduction emd oomnentary by. H.J.D.Lu1of. 196. 14. EIELSTE (Ludwig). Plato’s seventh letter. 1966. E&.. 15. PORPiiYY, the Philosopher. [Ad Marcellam. — Greek And German.] floi ceAAv Griechischer Text. Herausgegeben. . .von W.P3tscher. 1969. 16. ELFERINK (Fleine Adriaan). La Descente de 1’me d’aprs Macrobe. 1968. [SEE NEXT CARD]

    Card ID: 348