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VEALE Frederick John Partjngton are (john) (1)



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    Author: VEALE (Frederick John Partjngton)


    1ii-n VEALE (Frederick John Partjngton). Advance to barbarism: how the reversion to barbarism in warfare and war—trials menaces our future.. .Foreword by the Very Rev. W.R.Inge. pp. xvii, 305. Bibliography, portraits, plates and illustrations. 0 8 . Appleton1 Iiaconsin, 1953. ___ 1A CRevised edition.) Advance to barbarism: the development of total warfare from Seraevo to Hiroshima.. With forewords by the Very Rev, ri.R.Inge and the Rt.Hon. Lord Hankey. pp. 363. Bibliography and plates. 8°. London, [1968).

    Card ID: 36