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UTROPIUS Flavius a:c john|k:to (john) (1)



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    Author: UTROPIUS (Flavius)


    C £rç4_ UTROPIUS (Flavius). [Latin e.nd jg1ish.] Eutropli historis omane brGviariuln oum versione An1icS...utropius’s compendious history of Rome,... With an ngiish translat.’ion...notes and an inde, by. John Clarke...The second edition. pp.(12) + 162 + (2) [Lncornplete]. Lot. & [Q.M.L.J York printed and Lpndn, 1728. Inoopetc; intin thoast of ;he index. T8e.Lain taxt an !nglish ranoiation arc printeI in ara:.. Ooiuns on oso pagc. The eighth edition. (A dissert.tion upon the — usefulness of translations of classick authors, etc. pp. xx. + (4) + 164 + (4). 8°. London, 1759.

    Card ID: 133