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UT Robert on (robert) (7)
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UT, Robert
TAILOR, Robert
No Author available
Author: UT (Robert)
M4C All ALL3UT (Robert). london and country rambles with Charles Dickens. . .Revised edition (of “London rambles ‘en zigzag’ with Charles Dickens”.) With illustrations. pp.lL2. london, (1888’]
Card ID: 79
Author: JOITNSTON (Robert)
Cc [ir,t JOITNSTON (Robert) D.C .L. ----- Historia rerum Britannicaruin: Ut et multarum G.ilioarum, Belgioarum, & Gerrnanioarum...ab anno 1572 ad annuni 1628...Adjectus est rerum se pereonarum...ind.ex. pp. 2 + 737 + (22). [1.1.] foL. Amsterdam, 1655.
Card ID: 484
Author: TAILOR (Robert)
aJ( :i 6 TAILOR (Robert). The Hogge hath lost his pearle: a comedy [in five acts and in verse] divers times publikely acted by certaine London prentices. By R. Tailor. pp. (62). [D.-L.L.] 4°. inted for R. Redmer, London, 1614. The title—page is ded and repairçd._Closely cropped, part’ of the running—title being •ut
Card ID: 35
Author: No Author available
Md ColIiec&n SD (G.orp Robert). vita the ltwl’ght: theatrical Ut. a. it is. 1%0
Card ID: 119
Ut P95a Siny PROPSR:rnJs (Sextus). See SWflI (Wifliazrz Robert) - Thesaurus criticus ad. Seocti Propertii textuzu. cbngessit et in ordinezn redegi-t Gulleirnus Robertus Smyth. leyden, 1970.
Card ID: 337
STUDIES UT ENGLISH LIT.,’RATuRE. Studies in iglish literature. EContinued.) Mouton & Co.: The Hague and Paris, 1964, etc 32. BARNES (Ronald L) The Dramatic comedy of (P. William Somerset Maughem. 1968. CtVC cratc 33. SHARPLESS (F. Parvin). Lhe Literary M,€b criticisn of John Stuart Miii. 1967. (v S 34. SPECTOR (Robert D.) English literary periodicals and the climate o opinion during the Seven Years War. 1966. [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 308
e.1 RECORD (Robert). . The Grounde of artes, [Contiri.ied.) [Another edition.J Records Arithmetick; or, the Grovnd of arts...Made by B. Record... Augtaented by J. Dee, and since J. Mellis. And now diLigently perused, corrected, illustrated arid enlarged, with an appendix of figurte numbers and the extraction of their roots according to the method of Christian Vrstitius...and new tables of interest...with the true value of annuities.. .the first calculatcd by B. C. l?ut corrected, and the latter.. .calculated by R. !artwel1. pp. (26) + 63o. 8°. M..Fflesherj for John Hanson: Lorido,1648. LAnother copy. [sEE HFT CARD.J
Card ID: 395