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USHER, James
Author: USHER (James)
- USHER (James), successive1y Bishop of Meath and. Archbishop of Armagh. A Body of divinity; or, the Summe and substance of Christian religion, catechistica1r propounded, and explained, by way of question and answer,..Third edition, corrected and much amended. Wheremito is adjoyned a tract intituled Immaniael; or, the Mystery of the incarnation of the Son of God, e. [With a preface by J.Downame.j 2 parts in 1 vol. Portrait. fol. Londj, 1649.
Card ID: 309
USHER (James), successively Bishop of Meath and ..rchbish of Arniagh. A Briefe declaration of the universa].itie of the Church of Christ, and the unitie of’the Catholike faith processed therein. Delivered in a sermon before His Majestle the 20th. of June, 162)4, at Wanated...The second impression. pp. (2) + + (2). [D.—L.L.J )4O Printed by R. Youflg for T. Downes and E. Dawson: London,i25. Bound with “An Answer_ a ohallenade by a Jesuits in Ireland’1. [SEE NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 310
riC C412 1\t:*j USHER (James), successively Btshop of Neath andArch— bishop of Arma4h. Britannicaruri ecciesiaruin antiquitates. Quibus inserts est pestiCerae adversus Dei gratian a Polagio Brit.anno in ecclesiam inductae haereseos historia. Acoedit Gravissimas quaestionis de Christianarum ecciesiarun successione & statu historica explicatio...€ditio secunda...aucta et... euendata. 2 parts in 1 vol. [.S.J eol. £ondon, 18?. The portrait stated by L.owndoa to have boon published in this edition is not ino1ucd in this oopy.
Card ID: 312
-— i_ USHER (James), successively Bishop of JuTeath and Archbishop of Armagh. A Geographical and historical disquisition, touching the Asia properly so called, the Lydian Asia...the proconsular Asiaand the Asian diocese. See COLLECTION. A Collection of voyages and travels, Vol. 1. pp. 4t9—5OO. London, 1745.
Card ID: 315
GS ( USHER (James), successively Bishop of Meath and Archbishop of Arm8gh. A Method for meditation; or, a Manuall of divine duties, fit for every Christians practice. pp. (20) + i6. Portrait. 60. Lonci, 1651.
Card ID: 316
USHER (James), successively bishop of Meath and Archbishop of Armg. Strange and remarkable prophesies .and predictions of the holy, learned, and excellent James Usher...Written by the person who heard it from this excellent persons own mouth, etc. HINDLEY (Charles), f Booksellers’ Row, Strand. The Old book collector’s miscelian, etc. Vol. 5. ondon, 1873.
Card ID: 319
I ), : USHER (James), successively BishDtl of Meath and Archbishop of Arinagh. See KNOX (Robert B.) The Ecclesiastical policy of James Ussher, Archbishop of Armagh. 1956.
Card ID: 324