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UJ, David
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Author: UJ (David)
UJ (David), thc i.torin. See MANLI1 (.H. von), .Bron. Meoir of flusia rorn the year 172? to the year 1744, etc. [Edited by D. Huie.] London, 1773.
Card ID: 52
Author: No Author available
YE. Wye College. Pepartrtent of Economics, Agrarian de’.e1opment studies. [Volumes in this series are fully catalogued under the authors.) 1. CLAYTON (Eric Sesford). Economic planning in asant aricuature: a study of the optimal use of agricultural resources by peasant farors in Kenya. 1963. Uj 2. CARRUThERS (ID.) Irrigation development p1ani aspects of Pakistan experience. 1968. 3. GWYER (George David). Perennial crop supply resonseiJ the case of Tanzanian sisal. 1971. [sEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 76