
Search Term (count):

UIR Sir William a:in william|k:it (william) (2)



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    Author: UIR (Sir William)


    1UIR (Sir William), !G.S.I. The Caliphate: its rise, decline, and fa1l. From original sourees...A nev, and revised edition by T. H. Weir. [With a biblibgraphy.] pp. xix. + 633. 8°. E.jrh1 1915. ‘(i.’ - çc ) ‘y fo: i. d-.â t LiL,razi.’.

    Card ID: 468

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    Author: No Author available


    -. . DEPOSITORY MtJIR ( William),K.C.S.I. Records o the Intelligence Department of the Government of the North—West Provinces of India th2ring the Mtitinr of 187, including correspondence with the Supreme Government, Delhi, Ca’wipOre and other places...arranged under the superintendence of Sir W.)uir...Edited by W.Coldstream. 2 vols. 0 8 . Edinburgh, 1902.

    Card ID: 472