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UGHTO John a:on john|k:0799 (1)



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    Author: UGHTO (John)


    - 1!S BACON SOe-1ETV RFNvB ON ST0UGHTO (John), D.D., Rector of St.Mary?s, Aldermanbury. Seaven sermons, preachedupón severall occasions. Viz. 1. The Christians prayer for the Churches peace: one sermon on Psal.122.6. 2. One sermon on 1 Sam. 2. 30. 3. Baruchs sore gently opened: Gods selve skilfully applyed. In two sermons on Jeremy 45.5. 4. The araigneinent of coveteousnesse. In three sermons on LuJe.12. 15. .4 parts in 1 vol. 40 Printed byj.D. for JohpBellan]i, RaJph Smith:. London, 1640. [SEE NCT CARD.)

    Card ID: 351