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UGES Merritt Yerkes a:if john|k:to (john) (1)



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    Author: UGES (Merritt Yerkes)


    3Y1 M68a Reference only Rug 1iUGES (Merritt Yerkes). A Variorun commentary on the poems of John Hilton. Merritt Y.Hughea, general editor. Vol. 1, etc. London, 1970, etc. In ‘ogress. 1. The Latin and Greek poems. [By) ).Bu5h. The italian poems. [By] J.E.Shaw and A.Bartlett Giainatti. 1970. 2. The 1inor English poems. [By) A.S.P.woodhouse and D.Bush. (with a review of studies of verse form by .R.’dejsinj11er.) 3 vols. 1972. CSE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 183