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UETON iw JER$SY a:sy john|k:to (john) (1)



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    Author: UETON (iw JER$SY)


    PRI!UETON (Iw JER$SY). Princeton Universi. )partrnent of Economics. oo iaLnc t ift-ticn. International Finance Sect ion. Essays in international finance. [Continued.j V tP 53. GILBERT (Milton). Problems of the international monetary C-t.) system. 1966. -nC7C.l 54. ROOSA (Robert Vincent) and HIPSOU (Fred). Reserves, reserve currencies, and vehicle currencies: an argument. 1966. Tic 35. TR]IFIN (Robert). The Balance of payments and the foreign investment position of the United States. 1966. •Ti’’ic 36. YOUNG (John P.) United Statea gold policy: the case for ‘ change. 1966.

    Card ID: 158