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UER Charles in (charles) (6)
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UER, Charles
BOPARTE, Charles Louis Napoleon
SWINBURNE, Algernon Charles
No Author available
Author: UER (Charles)
ftc •-“ TENThYS0N, afterwards TUiUER (Charles). Cofleoted sonnets, old and new. pp. xxii. + 390. 80. London, 1880b
Card ID: 592
Author: BOPARTE (Charles Louis Napoleon)
BOPARTE (Charles Louis Napoleon), uer o the French. See NAPOLEON III., Enrocror of the French.
Card ID: 246
Author: SWINBURNE (Algernon Charles)
STERL1iG UER’[ {S(Jr Es EFER’E1CE O’LY SWINBURNE (Algernon Charles). The Queen—Mother. Rosamond. Two plays. pp. (12) + 217. 8°. London, 1860. First edition, first issue, with the titlepage bearing Pickering’s imprint. The errata leaf is inserted as the fourth leaf in the firstgathering instead of at.the end. A review copy, with an original flyleaf, inscribed ‘To the Editor of the Morning Post with the Pub— 1isher coxapte’, bound in between P5 and P6. S.L.O., I. 73.
Card ID: 52
Author: No Author available
XTT P35J 973 PQf (Charles £ierre). La B11ade du coex.m: poeme indit de Charles Pguy. ([Edited, with an introduction by) J.Sebian.) (Pub1ication de 1’Universit d’Orleana. U.E.R. - Lettres et Sciences Huniaines.,) pp. 274.. Facs im.. Paris, 1973.
Card ID: 479
Author: OEHLBAUM (Isaak)
I \! OEHLBAUM (Isaak). Das pathologisehe Element bei Charles Dickens. .Rbhandlung zur Er Daktorwrde Uer Philosophi schen ;-FakultU.t 1’ dez’- ‘Uniersitllt Zurich, etc. [With a bib1iograph] pp. 81 ÷5). 3O Zcarich, 1944.
Card ID: 161
STUtG UER!R’( C £ . L.] r t’ iREFEFENCE O!LY SPARKS (Timothy), pseud. [i.e. Charles John Huff am DICKENS.] Sunday under three headsL as it is; as Sabbath bills would make it; as it might be made. London, 1836. -k ( ) . j) [A facsimile reprint.] [Manchester and London, 188]. See DICKENS (Charles John Huffam). [Sunday under Three Heads.)
Card ID: 510