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U MichaeL a (michael) (32)



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    Author: U (MichaeL)


    c PaaU (MichaeL). IDe Operatione Daemorrnm. —Greek and tin.J Wçcr%oi. 1’U TI v)e-ls M.Pse.u.i de operatione daemonum dialogus. G.Gaulrniraus. . .primus Graecè edidit & notis iJ.J..ustravit. pp. (16) + 153. 3umptibus Hieronymi Drouart; Paris, 1615.

    Card ID: 464

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    Author: FREJND (Michael)


    DEPOSITORY FREJND (Michael). Die Idee der Toleranz im igland der grossen Revolution. [With a bibliography.] (Deutsche u çijstesgeschfchte. Buchreihe, 12.) pp. xvi. + 293. 8° 1927.

    Card ID: 36

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    Author: PETSCHENI (Michael)


    PETSCHENI (Michael). See AUGUSTIWE, Saint, Bishop of Hippo. IWorks.Latin.) (Sancti Aureli Augustini Opera.) Vol.7, u—ui. ScrIpt. contra Donatistas.. .Recensuit M. Petschenig. Vienna, 1909—10.

    Card ID: 186

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    Author: NAUR (Michael)


    TZ!NAUR (Michael). IntroduotI, .fl 15brn in qua etiarn de auth8nb.a Pentateuohi neonon do inspit’atione e interpr&Uoae cript,iwae asz. ,u,, GtiOe [7it,h a b1b1iocrapby.J pp. v1,12O. TL 0..) 6°.. Gratz and Vienii, 1910.

    Card ID: 53

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    Author: THEUNISSEN (Michael)


    •f U THEUNISSEN (Michael). l4ur’1 See BERLIN. Freie Universittt. Gedenkschrift der Freien Universitt Berlin ([and] der Westdeutschen Rektorenkonferenz) zUr 150. Wiederkehr des G-rUndungsjahree des Friedrich— Wilhelms—Universitt zu Berlin. [By various authors.) Vol. 1. Idee und Wirklichkeit einer Universität: Dokumente zur Geschichte der Friedrich— Wilhelms—Universität zu Berlin. In Zusarumenarbeit mit W. MUller—Lauter und M. Theunissen herausgegeben von W. Weisehedel. Berlin, 1960.

    Card ID: 197

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    Author: ROSSETTI (William Michael)


    (YrL)u [&‘4yjt’] ROSSETTI (William Michael). Democratic sonnets. 2 vol.s. in 1. 8. London, *907.

    Card ID: 645

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    Author: SHANKS (Michael James)


    e3r: SHANKS (Michael James). [Poems.J [Oxford, 1952.1 OXFORD. U•nivity of Oxford. Oxford veri.ty Poetry SoZ. The Fantasy Poets, 13.

    Card ID: 70

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    Author: HARNETT (William Michael)


    folio 33 VDT EAR HARNETT (William Michael). See U STE IN (Alfred Victor). After the hunt: Wifliam Harnett and other American still life pehiters, 2.870-1900. Berkeley and Ins Anacles, 1953.

    Card ID: 238

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    Author: MOSCHEROSCR (Hans Michael)


    MOSCHEROSCR (Hans Michael). Gesichte Philanders von Sittewald...Eerausgegeben von P. Bobertag. Berlin and Stuttgart, [1883.) .a2. xuEi?scuma U.) Deutsche Nationa].-Litteratur. No. 32.

    Card ID: 18

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    Author: GREIN (Christian Wilhelm Michael)


    3 Ccie-7 D I I U” GREIN (Christian Wilhelm Michael). Bibliotheic der angelsichsischen Prosa, etc. 3. ArigelsRchsische Homilien und Heiligenleben. Herausgegeben von B. Assrnarin. pp. viii. ÷(2)+294+.(2). 80. Cassel, 1889. 1/ I..

    Card ID: 74

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    Author: TIG (Heinrich Christian Michael)


    RfTIG (Heinrich Christian Michael) Ctesi Cnidii vita. curn appendice de libris, quos Ctesias composuisse ‘ertur...E. Seebodii ephemeridibus philologicis et pdagogiois, qui— bus t,it.ulus est.: Neues Arohiv f1ir Philolog. u. Paedagog. a 1827. Fascic II. separatim typic expressa sunt, qurn Mc leguntur. pp. 32. EG.G.] 8. Hanover, 1827.

    Card ID: 311

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    Author: SADLEIR (Michael Thomas Harvey)


    LS Oi’l’U SALI af’terward SADLEIR (Michael Thomas Harvey). Bibliograpflia: stucies in book historr and booR structure, etc. 10. BRUSSEL (I. R.) Anlo—American first editions. Part Two: west to east, 1786—1930. Describing £irst editions of Americar authors whose books were published in England before their puolicatiori in America.. .With introduction by Lore Esher. pp. xxxi. + 131 + (i. Facsimiles and tables. 8. London and New York, 936.

    Card ID: 287