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U I’ a:raleigh sir walter|k:raleigh ( walter) (8)
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U, I’
U, i: Nevile
U, c/I,
U(, i(:J
U, Louis I’hooion
U(i:c ,
U, Jrnile and CHjIiU’I, Pierre Alexandre
U, Augtst i’ricdrich Ferdinand von
Author: U (I’)
U (I’)j RALEIGH (Sir Walter). To day a man, to morrow none; or, Sir Walter Rawlelghs farewell to his lady, the night before hee was beheaded, together-with his dvice concerning her, and her sonne. See HINDLEY (Charles), of Booksellers’ Row, Strand. The Old book collector’s miscellany, t. Vol. 3. London, 1873.
Card ID: 493
Author: U (i: Nevil1e)
:3,_ — OAt1U (i: Nevil1e)’. Katileen Ferrier, 1912 — 1953: a neiioir. fEy various authors. I Edited by N. Cardus, . pp. 125. Portreia_and 8°. London, 1954.
Card ID: 451
Author: U ( c/I,)
F U ( c/I,) FORDEft (Henry George). Coordinates in geometry. (Auckland University College_ Bulletin.No,, 1+1, Mathematics Series, 1) op 31, )iagrarns. 80 Auckland, 1953.
Card ID: 362
Author: U(1 (i(:J)
U(1 (i(:J) HOLFOBD Wi11iam Graham), Baron Holford. Civic design: an inquiry into the scope and nature of town p.lanning. An inaugural lecture, delivered at University College Londozl...1948. pp. (2) ÷ 21. 8° . London, 1949.
Card ID: 521
Author: U (Louis I’hooion)
PCSITCrX TODthU (Louis I’hooion)E L’Angleterre sous lea trois douard..4 Proisiine édition. pp. 379. Frontispeee. 80. Tours, 1844. ar of the n1Bibliothgue de is. Jeunesse Chré— tiernie ‘
Card ID: 39
Author: U(i:c ,)
[1oU(i:c ,) WASHINGTON (cOIImIBIA). Library of Congress. Library and reference facilitiee in the area of the District of Columbia. Sixth...edition. pp. 174. 6°. [Washington, 1959].
Card ID: 186
Author: U (Jrnile) and CHjIiU’I (Pierre Alexandre)
flPOS1TOR’i J 1RCKUA1U (Jrnile) and CHjIiU’I (Pierre Alexandre). Hiatoire d’un aysan, 1789 (—1815)...Vingt et unime edition. 4 vole. [L.I.J 0 8 - Paris, [188? 1101.2 is of the 14th edition, vo1. of the 12th e tion, and vol.4 of the 10th edition.
Card ID: 71
Author: U (Augtst i’ricdrich Ferdinand von)
KQTZ*3flU (Augtst i’ricdrich Ferdinand von). Der Frcimaurer: win Lustspe1 in einein Aufv4<. Dcn’ Verschwie’yra 1irILIer Willent win iustspie1 in einem urzug. (!Thivjxl— Bibliothek. Ho. 341.) pp. iSO. 1!. tel pztit [11390.)
Card ID: 554